Time needed: 5 minutes

Upon installing Kali Linux on Hyper-V, we found that the screen size was pretty small and there appeared to be no option to change the screen size.
After digging through we found the following steps to change the screen resolution on Kali Linux. These steps will probably just work for Kali Linux running on Hyper-V.

  1. Logon to Kali Linux

  2. Launch the terminal

    Kali Terminal
  3. Run the following command and press enter (Enter your password to execute sudo)

    sudo vi /etc/default/grub

    Kali Terminal
  4. Edit the file using following steps

    Move the pointer to the text that says:
    and press “i” on the keyboard to switch to insert mode

    Edit grub
    Change the text to
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash video=hyperv_fb:1280x720" 
    (You can change the resolution to the size you prefer i.e 1920×1080, 1280×800 )
  5. Save the file

    Press “Esc” on the keyboard to get out of the insert mode
    Type :wq and press enter to write to the file and close the file

  6. Reboot the system

  7. Enjoy the new resolution upon restart